WordPress Intermediate

Complete your details below and submit your skills analysis for review.

    Your Name (required)

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    Your Email (required)

    Skills Analysis
    (please select the relevant answer from the drop down menu provided)

    Install personal web server software such as WAMP

    Use phpMyAdmin to administer your SQL database

    Install WordPress from scratch

    Use an FTP program to transfer files

    Understand WordPress Shortcodes

    Install and configure a contact form plugin

    Incorporate social media into your site

    Install and configure an SEO plugin

    Install and configure an ecommerce plugin

    Install and configure a security plugin

    Install and configure a slider plugin

    Understand basics of HTML code

    Understand basics of CSS code

    Understand the difference between Parent and Child Themes

    Edit and customise CSS code

    Create your own custom plugin

    Create a new widget area

    Create a new menu area

    Edit php code including the functions.php file

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